
1. Your Ideas
and Inspiration

Our team is willing to bring all your ideas into life, and we are happy to see what you already have in mind. Think about the look and functionality of your next kitchen. What would you change in your existing kitchen? What would you love to see?

2. Quote and Design

Our designers will guide you through the process and will answer any questions you might have. After that, we will give you the quote and design that meets your initial budget.

3. Layout Measurement

Once the quote is confirmed, our team representative will come to your place to do the precise measurements of your space.

4. Production

After all measurements and details are confirmed, we will put your project to our production schedule.

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Updating the Stock

For most of the times we have all the needed hardware in stock. However, cabinet boards, handles and some other materials have to be ordered individually for each project.

Checking the Measurements

Our engineer goes through the design and double checks that all the measurements are correct. After that, the kitchen is ready to be produced.


Each and every part of future cabinets is cut on our CNC machine, all the edges are securely taped and the hardware holes are drilled.


We assemble the kitchen at our factory to double check if all details are produced correctly. If something doesn't match our high standards - we remake it the same day.

Updating the Stock

For most of the times we have all the needed hardware in stock. However, cabinet boards, handles and some other materials have to be ordered individually for each project.

1-2 weeks from signing the contract

Checking the Measurements

Our engineer goes through the design and double checks that all the measurements are correct. After that, the kitchen is ready to be produced.

1 day after the measurements are taken


Each and every part of future cabinets is cut on our CNC machine, all the edges are laser glued (this method ensures 0% emissions) and the hardware holes are drilled.

2 days before delivery


We assemble the kitchen at our factory to illiminate the possibility of second delivery and moving the deadline further. If something doesn't match our high standards - we remake it the same day.

1 day before delivery

1-2 weeks from signing the contract

1 day after the measurements are taken

2 days before delivery

1 day before delivery

5. Installation

We will contact you to confirm the delivery and installation dates way before the deadline. Then after delivery, our trusted team of professional installers will come to finish the project.